Come for the Marathon, Stay for the 9/11 Covid Baby Formula | with Monica Perez: Episode 025

2 years ago

[Originally uploaded to YouTube 6/29/22]
Happy Wednesday, Conspiracy Players! We hope you’ve taken shelter from the manufactured cold civil war brewing in your front yard, because today we have a very special guest! From her early days in finance and surprise radio career at 95.5 WSB in Georgia, Monica Perez has since stormed onto the conspiracy scene with a boom. Awakened by the abnormalities surrounding the Boston Marathon bombing, she began to put the pieces together, and here she is today to tell us all about it. Politics, 9/11, perfect storms, false flags, and not-so-everyday interactions with Them—Monica fills the boys in on these things and so much more. Please visit her various audio platforms to give her a listen; she won’t steer you wrong! You can also find her at as well as on Twitter @MonicaPerezShow. Thanks for watching and please like, subscribe, share, and comment. So much more CPT on the approaching horizon!

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