Tyrant Congressional Emails - Jennifer Wexton, The IRS is Tyrannical and Legalized Thievery

2 years ago

More silly and gut wrenching emails from various members of congress and whatnot. Yeah, like it was really about cracking down on so called tax frauds. Muh fair share. They're just upset that they can't go after people they don't like and are upset that they don't know how to use loopholes and such themselves. It's time that bureaucratic agencies were defunded and eventually abolished. The IRS, The Federal Reserve and the 16th amendment have only been around since 1913 and we did just fine without them despite all the lame excuses and the muh dirt roads arguments among other lame excuses in attempts to having 40% of your income stolen from you via income tax, SS and Medicare. 87,000 agents meant to go after detractors and a bunch of bureaucrats who are mad that they won't be able to control the populace to their whims without armed agencies like the IRS and such. Rogue government agencies are not needed and they have lost all credibility. Not to mention all the grade A gaslighting among other bullshit that continues. What's worse is the sheep minded, groupthink populace that will continuously fall for and make excuses for all these complete and utter bureaucracy. The power of Stockholm Syndrome, Media Manipulation and Warfare. If only a giant meteor would hurdle towards Congress and other public offices for obvious reasons and then the individuals, companies and such that play hardball for these bureaucrat assholes and company. All a bunch of bologna.

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Disclaimer: As said before, merely more ramblings and such from a lost bitter soul. What does this say about me with my ramblings, screenshots, content and whatnot but hey, one has to do something to expose whatever. They send these emails and speeches all out there, might as well expose them. Many are bitter and angry today for very good reason and it won't change anytime soon. The damage has been heavily done. I may be eligible to earn from the following recommendations.

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