SITU CISANTI - Kilometer Zero Point of the Citarum River

2 years ago

SITU CISANTI Zero Point Kilometers of the Citarum River

Situ Cisanti is a lake that holds water from 7 main springs of the Citarum River. Namely the Pangsiraman, Cikolebere, Cikawadukan, Cikahuripan, Cisadana, Cihaniwung, and Cisanti springs. located in Tarumajaya Kertasari, Bandung Regency with an area of ​​approximately 5 hectares and located on a 7 hectare land in the Perhutani area, at the foot of Mount Wayang with an altitude of 1,500-3,000 above sea level. The depth of this lake until now no one knows exactly how many meters deep.

This place is really suitable for nature tourism with family, or for friends who like photography, guaranteed to feel at home there, Cisanti.
Facilities available: food and drink stalls, toilets, huts where to rest.

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