🔥Natalie Winters on the @NFSCSpeaks show — 01/12/2023

2 years ago

🔥Natalie Winters on the @NFSCSpeaks show — 01/12/2023:

💥The New Federal State of China has done a lot to really get the "Take-Down-The-CCP" narrative into kind of the mainstream vernacular of the US. It was so wonderful on the #AmFest2022 event in Phoenix to see so many people swallowing the "Take-Down-The-CCP" pill and getting into it.

💥#新中国联邦 做了很多工作,使 #灭共 真正成为美国的主流舆论!在凤凰城盛会上看到这么多人支持灭共并参与其中,真是太棒了!

#HouseSelectCommitteeOnCCP #PaulHastings #LucDespins #takedowntheccp #nfsc #whistleblowermovement #saynotoevil #saveamerica #ccp≠chinese

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