Beware of carnal Pleasures... Jesus explains ❤️ Heavenly Gifts thru Jakob Lorber

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Heavenly Gifts - Beware of carnal Pleasures!

October 13, 1840

Volume 1, Chapter 50

The Lord says:

1. So write now, My very lazy, useless, quite bad and exeedingly foolish servant, you, who sees Me with only one eye and hears My voice with only one ear – while the other eye and ear is still clinging to the world!

2. Turn everything to Me, so that you may recognize in the light of My eternal day the infinite value of that, which I bestow upon you unworthy one in such abundance, that even the angels of heaven cannot grasp and understand the fullness of My grace, so much that out of too much reverence they do not even dare to come closer, because such a holy light comes forth from My love to you disdainful sinners!

3. Therefore consider what you receive and from whom you receive it! And do not take a cup too much in the future; for within the wine lies the spirit of the flesh, and with that of all harlotry. And if you continue to do this, I will let you fall into all fornication – like I do with all, who do what you do! And if this happens it will once more take you a long time until you find your way back to My grace.

4. And now write to N. N. and tell him that I’m sending him a word:

5. Every pleasure of the stomach, if it happens unnecessarily, is not suitable for My Kingdom. For the unnecessary juice makes the flesh of the chest black and My future abode dark, because the spirit cannot be awakened during the threefold night, meaning, in the night of the love, in the night of the will, and as such in the night of the sin.

6. I do not give you a law, so you will not become slaves of sin again; but rather, that you become free in My love, I only give you to recognize the paths of My love.

7. Therefore let your flesh rest in the death and do not awaken it again through new stimuli – so that your spirit may become alive in My love through a secure hope, out of the root of a true and living faith, which is a true light, streaming forth out of My great sun of grace, whose center is the all-warming resting place of My eternal love.

8. Look around you, and you will soon behold My sun sitting high in the morning sky and you will already feel its warmth intensely. But your flesh you do not want to awaken to sin again; otherwise I would and may make My sun go down for you. Your ground would turn into a hot and sandy desert, and instead of satiating yourself with the bread of heaven and My living waters you would feed on the mirage of the world.

9. Mind you, my dear N. N., look, I love you and help you in every way I can. Therefore, let the flesh rest in death so that I may awaken your love and you may soon taste the eternal life from Me within you.

10. Keep your children under control as well and do not let them run into the world, and bar the windows of your house, so that through them, their senses will not be confused! With the world, all doors and window shutters of their houses may be open to the world, but this should not be the case with those, I want to receive as My children.

11. Amen. This say I, the father of you all!

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