2 years ago

Araneus Cavaticus, also known as a barn spider or common house spider, is an orb-weaving, nocturnal species that is indigenous to North America.

Being orb weavers, their webs are flat and spiral-shaped, made of sticky threads to capture prey and support the structure of their webs.

The webs are mostly spun by the females, who take their webs down during the day and rebuild new ones every evening. At night they wait in the middle of the web, waiting to attack prey that enters it.

Their prey includes crickets, cockroaches, beetles, ants, moths, flies, and even mosquitos.

Their common predators are birds and other spiders.

They can be found living in many different habitats, such as in trees, shrubs, houses, cottages, and boats, and are seen during late summer and throughout fall.

Their egg sacs are made using silken thread resembling a cocoon. A single sac can contain hundreds of eggs that are round or disc-shaped.

Once the spiderlings leave the egg sac, they become independent within a short time after hatching.

The adult Araneus Cavaticus is a relatively large, hairy, spider species, that has a spherical body shape, with numerous small humps and long legs that allow them to move quickly.

Adult males are smaller than females in size and measure approximately one-quarter inch long, whereas the larger female, measure approximately one-half inch long.

These spiders are yellow or brown, with grey or dark stripes on their legs. The lower part of their body is black with white markings.

They are not poisonous as their venom is said to be nontoxic to human beings. However, their bite might be equal to a bee sting, causing redness and irritation in the affected area.

They live for approximately one year.

We hope you enjoyed our summary of the Araneus Cavaticus.

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