Change BMW 3 Series Cabin Filter, Oil, and Brakes

2 years ago

Watch how to change the cabin filter, engine oil & filter, and brakes on a 2008 BMW 328i sedan. Will add step by step procedure below if someone asks for it.

Compatibility: Similar procedure should apply to all E9X BMWs (2008 to 2013), although the M3 has 2 cabin filters, 2 oil drain plugs, and different torque specs.

Robb’s DIY Rating on 1 (easy) to 5 (hardest) Scale: I give the cabin filter replacement a 1–pretty much the easiest maintenance item a car has and, as this video demonstrates, there’s no reason to pay someone else to change it for you. Both the oil change and brake job are a 2. Brakes are much more time consuming than the oil change, but similar level of difficulty… OK, maybe closer to a 3.

Step by Step (with Tools Needed):

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