if you don't have God to rely upon what are you drawing from

1 year ago

things that don't make sense to even me
an explanation usually helps
if they reprimand you, you're doin it right
drive thru service taught me so much
you must forgive them the more terrible they are
i have to be more understanding of their condition
all they do is rationalize everything
i can't get mad cos that's the way of the world
so many words i have no choice but to trip over em
my life is better and my mindset is superior
cos they wanna be happy all the time they're not happy any of the time
they're a zombie so they might as well just end it already
righteous judgment makes me come across so repugnant
i love it when i add the bass
actual artists tell me to keep doin what i'm doin
cos fuck you...so true!
my instincts are stronger than most
even in my attempt to be secular...obviously didn't work
i play piano in the car mainly hahaha
you probably don't expect this to be good if you regularly watch this kudos to you by the way
i know how bad this is, alright
i can feel your retroactive disappointment
...and i don't even like people
the screens are training people to be "autistic"
the AI has already taken over
i swear by trader joes
i had a lovely interaction w/ a lady by the name of darci
i honestly dunno why they're alive, stfu amy you dunno shit
most women are horrible but good women will refer to other women as bitch also i work at a restaurant
it's just lingo is all
i like organs and i LOVE jazz
oh! the blessings that i doth receive
the masses will never understand
moral obligation to explain what's wrong with the world
what we oughta do instead of what we've been doin and keep choosin
yours truly is that alternative
they'd get much farther if they'd put down all their gadgets
look up look around, i known it's depressing to be the only one not lookin down
17min to get here, sari vortex
people don't have patience
i can't seem to convey this in a timely fashion
i gotta figure this out, man
i don't wanna be like these mfs that i complain about
God gave me this mouth so i need to stop feeling guilty about it (that's the devil right there messing me up)
there's a reason why God gave me this gift
everyone's personal turmoil is terrible cos it's theirs
...to save sinners of whom i am chief
this is totally mine, it belongs to me only
i didn't choose this but i chose to chase it
you don't have a voice unless you are singin with everyone else
...why are you above sellin drugs
I'M JUST SAYIN ad infinitum
all the things that we think are wrong maybe aren't wrong after all
what's right is in yer heart and so many are fallin apart
maybe they never had a heart from the start
i only know what it's like to be amy gross, which makes me a thousand X smarter than society having that awareness
so grateful that i don't trust anyone
they're gonna be more broken than when they started cos they never had wisdom imparted to them
it's obvious when somebody is full of shit or sumin is poison
most things are gaslighting attempts
society succumbs to sumin terrible believing it will do what they're told it will do
...as we've seen
reality is what's on the tv for the masses
i wanna get rid of my laptop but alas
the internet is a horrible horrible place
i've deleted these apps on my laptop but they just keep coming back
just one american doesn't want shit to do with this
they can't accept my rejection haha
they ain't gonna get me tho

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