Leilani Wells - Visibility expert and brand manager specializing in social media

2 years ago

It is written that “A great message is NOT when your ideal client understands you, it’s when your ideal client feels understood BY YOU.”

Leilani Wells is a visibility expert and brand manager specializing in social media, video content creation, and getting you SEEN. Known for her unique ability to recognize the "highest-level" Self in individuals, her passion is helping purpose-driven entrepreneurs.

Using her social media, business, and intuitive skills, Leilani masterfully identifies an individual’s potential, and then guides them to fulfill it by showing them how to amplify and share their unique gifts within the world of social media and online marketing.

She says that being visible is not only a key aspect of succeeding but of thriving because teaching her clients how to feel confident, empowered, and excited about who they are and what they do galvanizes them to live a life of freedom, joy, and Self-fulfillment.

A mom, author, business owner, coach, and philanthropist, Leilani values family, freedom, and being an inspiring presence to others who can then go forward and positively impact the lives of others.


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