Debunking Yet Another TPOM Video Detective “Jess Ben Grifton” Is at your service-Rock or UFO 🤔

2 years ago

Third Phase of Moon recently posted A video claiming they have discovered a “new TR 3B “ in Antarctica well after a whopping five minutes of detective work I was easily able to debunk this UFO case……

TPOM Also requested that their audience offers their opinions as to what the anomaly is,so this is my two cents as requested by 3rd Phase….

My Goal isn’t to start drama with any other UFO channels on the Internet but yet to hold them accountable and give the audience an alternative look Based on facts Reality logic and basic common sense.

Using Google Earth pro I was able to go back throughout the years and have a better look at the anomaly in question and in five minutes or less I was able to determine without a shadow of a doubt this anomaly was nothing more than snow rocks and mother nature.

Antarctica Is a very mysterious place full of unsolved mysteries but I think it’s safe to say this isn’t one of them…..

Sincerely ………

Detective Jess Ben Grifton

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