Prayer for the Grace of God: John MacArthur #prayer #Godsgrace #johnmacarthur

2 years ago

Watch the full sermon here:

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At the Christian Response Forum & Network we believe that

- We are all imperfect in our interpretation of God's special revelation.
- God alone knows the Absolute Truth and is our ultimate judge.
within the Body of Christ we ought to encourage healthy agreement, disagreement and debate, without fighting and persecuting each other for our beliefs
- We ought to constantly support each other to search for the reality and absolute truth through God's general and special revelation.

The views in this clip do not represent those of the Christian Response Forum & Network as a whole.

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It’s been a wonderful, refreshing day, Lord, to be in Your Word and to hear You speak in this living Word. Scripture is alive, powerful, penetrating, captivating. And as Peter said, we have tasted of it and we know that it is able to feed our souls.

Through it comes Your kindness and we’ve tasted that. Through it comes Your power; we’ve tasted that. Through it comes Your love, Your wisdom, all that we need. We thank You that when we live lives in this way, we are in the place to know the fullness of Your blessing.

We don’t deserve that. Even our best efforts fall short. But we thankfully have been set conditions that are imbedded in grace and not in law so that even though we come short of perfection. You love us and You bless us and You regard us as Your own and even as faithful and worthy of blessing and eternal reward. Help us to think of ourselves in these terms so that we face life in a way that honors You. And someday when we receive those eternal rewards, we will cast them at Your feet and give You all the glory and all the praise. Amen and amen.

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