Dr Kevin MacDonald - Separation and Its Discontents 1998 (2 of 2)

2 years ago

Amazon Bans “Culture of Critique” and “Separation and Its Discontents” https://vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=553692&highlight=Kevin+MacDonald https://americanfreepress.net/amazon-bans-more-books-by-respected-scholars/
Dr Kevin MacDonald http://www.kevinmacdonald.net/books.htm
pdf https://archive.org/details/mac-donald-separation-and-its-discontents-1998
MP3 at my archive channel https://archive.org/details/@vasili1 & mega
original mp3 https://vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=556066
Alex Linder https://vnnforum.com/video.php?do=viewcategory&categoryid=14 & https://www.alexlinder.com/
Full title: Separation and Its Discontents-Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism 1998

How to successfully defend and fight our jewish enemy.
0.15 wearing star of David Badges- I need to correct Dr Kevin Macdonald on this. It was a jew who came up with the idea that all jews wear Badges. Refer to Michael Collins Piper
2.00 jews are like women. They don't take responsibility lmao
3.14 quote by Curt Michaelis " The Jewish people stands principally in battle against the whole world; "
4.37 How jews combat Anti-Semitic
4.54 "if Anti-semitism didn't exist, it would have to be invented"
5.00 crisis is as old as the jew himself
5.03 1st recorded event of crypsis 5th century BC (page 219) jews lie about being converted to Christianity
5.39 jewish IQ (p 227) – refer to Michael Collins Piper clips
5.33 jews forced David Irving to rescind his book regarding Joseph Goebbels 1996 (p 228)
6.54 "make profit of the Stranger" (p 250)
7.37 jewish fake history
8 Khazar theory is a lie
8.18 jewish longevity and low death rates of babies
Crypto jews
9.30 most jews support genocide of non-jews. (p 290)
9.44 jews are still jews, even if they aren't religious
10.08 jews invented monotheism (p 301)

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Michael Collins Piper (MCP) The Piper Report (ad free) https://mega.nz/folder/LR533KaR#40B8LTMVoHmVmdTVFYrDRA
Michael Collins Piper with ads https://archive.org/details/piper-report-2006

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