Episode #46: End Times Prophecy W/Taylor Smith

2 years ago

So today on the podcast I have something juicy for ya that I think you are absolutely going to love. On this episode I have Taylor Smith on the podcast. Taylor is a mormon fundamentalist and a darn good scholar of the restored Gospel. In our conversation Taylor talks about end times prophecy and more specifically we talk about prophecies that have been both fulfilled and yet to be fulfilled that apply uniquely to Mormons. I have also included on mormonrenegade.com in the episode page some notes and scriptures you may want to have as you listen. Scriptuers: 1st Nephi Chapter 14 D&C 109:60 D&C 45:24-32 3rd Nephi 20:10-46 3rd Nephi 17:1-3 Ether 8:22-26 2nd Nephi 20:1, 21:1, 22:1-7 & 12-33, 9:18, 12:6-17, 13:9, 15:5, 16:11, 19:16 Ezekiel 16:49 D&C 100:42

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