'World War 3 Has Already Started' Between U.S. and Russia/China, argues French Scholar

2 years ago

'World War 3 Has Already Started' Between U.S. and Russia/China, argues French Scholar

Jan. 14, 2023

Geopolitical Economy Report - Ben Norton

Prominent French intellectual Emmanuel Todd argues the Ukraine proxy war is the start of World War Three, and is "existential" for both Russia and the United States "imperial system," which has restricted the sovereignty of Europe, making Brussels into Washington's "protectorate."

He has written a book arguing that the United States is already waging World War Three against Russia and China.

Emmanuel Todd is a widely respected anthropologist and historian in France.

In 2022, Todd published a book titled “The Third World War Has Started” (“La Troisième Guerre mondiale a commencé” in French). At the moment, it is only available in Japan.

But Todd outlined the main arguments he made in the book in a French-language interview with the major newspaper Le Figaro, conducted by the journalist Alexandre Devecchio.

According to Todd, the proxy war in Ukraine is “existential” not only for Russia, but also for the United States.

The US “imperial system” is weakening in much of the world, he observed, but this is leading Washington to “strengthen its hold on its initial protectorates”: Europe and Japan.

This means that “Germany and France had become minor partners in NATO”, Todd said, and NATO is really a “Washington-London-Warsaw-Kiev” bloc.

US and EU sanctions have failed to crush Russia, as Western capitals had hoped, he noted. This means that “the resistance of the Russian economy is pushing the American imperial system toward the precipice”, and “the American monetary and financial controls of the world would collapse”.

The French public intellectual pointed to UN votes concerning Russia, and cautioned that the West is out of touch with the rest of the world.

“Western newspapers are tragically funny. They don’t stop saying, ‘Russia is isolated, Russia is isolated’. But when we look at the votes of the United Nations, we see that 75% of the world does not follow the West, which then seems very small”, Todd observed.

He also criticized the GDP metrics used by Western neoclassical economists for downplaying the productive capacity of the Russian economy, while simultaneously exaggerating that of financialized neoliberal economies like in the United States.

Original: https://youtu.be/82WPLWEN_9M

Sources and more information here:


French ambassador: US `rules-based order' means Western domination, violating international law:


CIA and NATO are waging sabotage attacks inside Russia:



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