53. Mini Sales Letter - Sports Betting

2 years ago

Why Have 7 of Asia’s Richest Football Bettors Decided To Join Forces And Give Away Every Winning Secret That They Know?

Hint: It has to do with the Chinese New Year, a €124 million fortune, and your email inbox. Intrigued? Keep reading…

Dear Reader,
My name is Jian Lau, and I’m the leader of a group of bettors known across Asia as The “Lucky” 7.

We’ve earned that title by earning the equivalent of €124,291,880 in the last three and a half years– all through our football betting…

And today, we’re going to show you the secret to our success.

Inside this short letter, you’re going to be given the opportunity to start winning an unprecedented 8 out of every 10 football bets you make…

You’ll do it without spending hours in front of your computer each day…

You’ll do it without becoming a victim of the tipster “sharks” who are increasingly filling the web - the ones who lure you into their sites with the bait of easy money only to leave you high and dry.

And, you’ll do it all on your OWN terms…making as much as you want, when you want to.

Now we know that while the message we’re sharing with you may sound intriguing, you’re likely also skeptical….

So all we ask is that you put your judgments on hold for two minutes while we explain who we are, and why we want to transform you into a long-term, permanent winner.

Individually We Were “Good,” But
Together We Are Unstoppable…
Now like I mentioned, The “Lucky” 7 is a group comprised of seven of the most successful football bettors in all of Asia…

Our combined experience totals more than 150 years…

And every single one of us was making at least €1 million annually before we came together.

Have you ever dreamed of an easier, simpler, and more prosperous life? One where you aren’t dependent on a boss, or a credit limit…

Or where you and your family aren’t held captive by a budget that never seems to be enough?

For each of our seven members, that dream was achieved long ago…

And we were able to liberate ourselves from the daily grind…the headaches and the hassles that come from ordinary, everyday life…solely by betting on the football matches we loved to watch anyway.

Now, you’re probably wondering what this has to do with you? Or why, if we were so successful already, we decided to join forces at all…

Let me explain…

The World of Elite and Truly Profitable
Football Bettors is Extremely Small…
We’d known about each other for a long time before we ever came together...and we all had nothing but respect for one another…

But when fate brought us into the same VIP Suite at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa…

It quickly became apparent that we were meant to work together.

You see, we realized that while each of us was already making more than €1,000,000 per year in profits on our football betting…we were all doing it in different ways…

In other words, each of us was using completely different strategies…and getting “inside” info from completely different sources…to achieve something that less than .001% of all people on the planet were achieving:

Consistent, million-euro profits that were earned solely from football betting.

And as we continued to talk, it became extremely obvious that if we joined forces…instead of working on our own…we could multiply each member’s winnings exponentially…

And so we banded together. And the results have exceeded even our wildest expectations…

Since joining forces in the summer of 2010, our group has brought in €124,291,880 in pure profit…

Ensuring that each of us could never place another bet again if we didn’t want to, and still be multimillionaires forever.

Which is why now, as a way of saying “thank you” for the incredible blessings we’ve received…we’re going to give you an extremely rare opportunity…

To join our group and start placing winning bets right alongside of us.

You see, in the Chinese calendar, 2014 is the Year of the Horse…

It’s a time of special opportunity, where those who are kind to others…and who join in business ventures with others…are extremely well rewarded.

So what better time to start sharing our incredible wealth than right now?

Ready to Join Us? Here is What You Need To Do…

After several serious discussions, our group has decided that the best way to give back is to accept a small group of “outsiders” into our ranks…

And then tell those lucky few initiates exactly how we’re betting each and every day.

After all, what could be simpler than that?

All you have to do is signup below, and decide for how many days you want to receive our insider bets…

Then, we’ll send out a new email to you each morning, telling you the one single bet that all seven of us have agreed is the absolute, highest probability, winner…

Inside your email, you’ll even get specific instructions on how to bet…stuff like whether to choose the O/U, whether to pick the home or away team to win, whether to take a first-half prop bet…etc…

Whatever the seven of us have decided is the most certain winner…the bet we’re putting the vast majority of our bankroll on for the day because we’re so confident in our analysis and intel…

That’s what we’ll give to you.

To get started, simply chose from the options below, and click “add to cart.”

On the next page, you’ll provide your basic information, including your email address, and hit submit.

Then the very next morning, you’ll receive your first email…

You’ll sit in amazement as your life is immediately transformed in front of your very eyes…

And you’ll be astounded as you check your bank account day after day, and see your wealth compounding and expanding at a rate you never before imagined to be possible…


If you’re ready to fundamentally change your life, you must act quickly. Taking on new members will be time-consuming for us, and we’ve set a limit of only 30 new spots.

So go ahead and choose your package below; all it takes is a few clicks to get started.

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To Your Continued Good Fortune,


P.S. Still having trouble making up your mind? We realize that you may have a few questions, so we’ll do our best to answer them below…

1. Why Do I Have To Choose A Certain Number of Days?

It takes us a considerable deal of time to determine what the absolute most profitable bet will be for each day. So we’ve created these packages to ensure that the new members we signup are DEAD SERIOUS about winning. If you’re not, then you’re taking the spot of someone who is.

After your initial package, you’ll have the option to continue receiving your daily winners. And this option to renew will remain open to you permanently, even after we close enrollment in a couple of days.

2. Why Are You Charging for Your Tips?

While we love the idea of giving back, our time is still incredibly valuable. Your membership fees allow us to take the time to choose and distribute the virtually guaranteed winner for every football match we send.

3. How Do I Get My Winners Again?

You simply signup using the “add to cart” button on this page. Once you’ve entered your payment info, and provided us with your email address, you’ll start receiving your daily winners. It’s that simple.

4. Is this a Recurring Payment?

No. When you choose your initial number of days, that’s how many you pay for. If you don’t want to continue, there are no additional charges. Given that our group has picked winners with an 82.3% accuracy rate over the last three and a half years though, something tells us you’re going to want to stick with us : )

5. How do I get started?

Simply press the “add to cart” button below…

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