Raised on Porn

2 years ago

In today's highly connected world, children are becoming more and more exposed to pornography at younger ages. Now, all it takes is just a simple click of a mouse or swipe of a screen, and they are exposed to a veritable flood or deluge of pornography - whether they wanted to see it or not. Porn exposure is a cause of concern for parents as they try to protect their children's innocence for as long as possible.

Over the years, many studies have shown that the ready accessibility of online pornography is a serious threat to children's mental and sexual health. It has become so pervasive that children as young as six or seven are regularly exposed to porn at least once a week and through online videos.

This early exposure to pornography brings about great anxiety for the child. They are afraid, embarrassed, disgusted and angry, curious, excited and of course, shocked and very sad after viewing pornography. But beyond the myriad of conflicting emotions, viewing porn brings even more detrimental and adverse effects to children.

Porn exposure distorts how young people view sex and sexuality in general. Since pornography often portrays forced or violent sex scenes, young boys begin to view women as sexual objects that exist purely for their pleasure instead of vibrant human beings worthy of respect.

When young girls, on the other hand, watch pornography, it negatively impacts their self-esteem, and not knowing any better, will think it is normal to see themselves as sexual objects and to accept abusive behaviors, including rape.

Due to a combination of curiosity and impulse control mechanisms that are not yet fully developed, pornography can also lead to children and adolescents engaging in sexual activities earlier and with more than one partner. More partners, coupled with the lack of knowledge about reproductive health, dramatically increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, teenage pregnancy, and even abortion.

Finally, the younger you are when exposed to porn, the greater the risk of developing porn addiction. The more children consume porn, the higher the chances that as they grow older, they will become addicted.

Brain scans of porn addicts are highly similar to those of drug addicts, and the same brain centers are triggered, and just like being addicted to drugs, it is tough to break the addiction. Porn addicts describe going through withdrawal symptoms if they don't get their porn fix, and what's worse, the porn they consume gets more intense, extreme and even illegal as their brains are always looking for more.

When these children get older and get married, chances are it will end in divorce due to extramarital affairs or just general unhappiness due to porn addiction and from keeping it a secret from their significant other.

"Raised On Porn" is an eye-opening investigation of what happens when children are exposed to porn. It is definitely worth the watch and pushes society to have these difficult conversations with our children to help protect them.

Directed by: Benjamin Nolot 2021

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