Green Dreams and the Electric Nightmare

1 year ago

This video is on Youtube, and is produced by Topher Field and I take no credit for it, however EVERYONE needs to watch this and ask themselves are they prepared to see Australia completely covered in SOLAR Farms and their land horizons and surrounding seas littered with hundreds of thousands of wind turbines? The green dream needs to replace 566 Terra watt hours of currently produced electricity from fossil fuels and that does not take into account the extra energy that needs to be produced for the projected big Australia that both political parties support!! If they have their way and the Australian population is 35-45 million people in 2050, doing the math would/could mean that the 566 Terra watt hours would in fact increase to 1100 Terra Watt hours. Its time for a reality check people. This is not possible, in fact it is impossible. We have been let down by our politicians, the media and most of all our academics, who, lets face it are the experts responsible for advising government. The people of Australia who have been brainwashed by those above have to take a good look at themselves for they are responsible and complicit by giving their vote at the ballot box allowing this nightmare to unfold for their children. The is an answer to this problem. Its nuclear power. It is the only viable solution. If Bangladesh, a poor developing country can build two large scale nuclear power plants why is Australia listening to crickets on the subject?? So do the right thing Australia!!! Lets decrease our carbon footprint and restore Australian manufacturing and preserve our living standards for ourselves and future generations.

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