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41. Keto Brief
Tuesday, March 5th, 2019
9:44 am to 10:32 am.
3. Keto Brief [First 42 Minutes]
Total Time Spent On Mechanism: 3 Hours & 56 Minutes
Tuesday, March 5th, 2019
10:47 am to 12:09 pm
3. Keto Brief [After 42 Minutes]
1. Who’s the Audience?
40-65-year-old women who are significantly overweight – at least 50 lbs, sometimes a lot more. Men too – but women are the primary target.
Family is important to them, they’re also generally thrifty, love shopping at second-hand stores. They want to feel sexy, confident, bold in who they are.
They’ve lost weight in the past, probably multiple times. In their heads, they question or doubt if they’ll ever be able to permanently lose weight – because they’ve been burned so many times before.
They generally don’t like being prescribed a bunch of meds, they don’t entirely trust their doctor, don’t trust big pharma, don’t trust their health insurance company.
They try to act tough but are sensitive about their weight, and comments about their weight, especially from people they care about or love.
2. What are the pain points, or biggest fears?
(+ identify the 1-3 HUGE ones, while the rest are secondary)
- Short Term:
Being fat/overweight and feeling like there’s no way to change things, feeling like it’s hopeless, feeling despair, feeling full of self-doubt, and low self-esteem.
The prospect is significantly overweight, at least 50 lbs. It’s affecting their quality of life – their confidence, their self-esteem, their happiness, their relationships. It’s also threatening their health. Their A1C and Blood Sugar levels are high, they are either pre-diabetic or diabetic, they have unhealthy cholesterol, they feel tired all of the time, have poor sleep, possibly suffer from gout, feel bloated and have stomach issues.
They’ve tried to lose the weight for decades now. They’ve had success on diets over the years, but none of them last. They end up “yo-yo’ing” where the weight goes down, then comes back up. They struggle with cravings that can derail their success – especially sugar which is so addictive, it’s like a drug. They emotionally eat to mask the pain of their childhood, their divorce, or other traumatic moments in their life.
To Sum It Up: They are overweight now and it’s affecting their personal life and threatening their health. They’ve tried different diets in the past and never had long-term success.
Low self-esteem, unconfident, don’t want to go to the beach, don’t feel sexy, they get mistaken for being pregnant, terrible sugar and junk food cravings, low energy, bloating, poor sleep, mood swings, tired all the time.
They get tired or winded easily.
Practical but embarrassing applications: can’t sit in booths at restaurants, air travel is embarrassing and uncomfortable, can’t go on rides at amusement parks, things like that. Also embarrassed to see people from the past, who remember the “old them” that was skinny and attractive, vs. the “current them” that is fat and gross.
Keto Specific: falling out of ketosis, feeling hungry or having cravings on ketosis, irregular periods on ketosis, lose weight for 7 days, and then plateau, constipation. Feeling addicted to sugar, stalls, bad skin. NO idea of how to manage calories or track carbs. Confusion about keto diet, not getting into ketosis. Being in ketosis but not losing weight.
-Long Term:
Fears of high blood sugar and type 2 diabetes, being told they have 10 years or less to live, leaving their families behind, high cholesterol, risk of heart attack, and stroke. Nothing changing, them being low energy, fat, and tired for the rest of their lives. Health scares.
3. So by reversing the pain points/biggest fears, what is the one big promise (1-3 sentences) you are going to make…how this will change their lives forever?
I’m going to show you why being overweight is NOT your fault…how you’re addicted to foods that keep you fat (intentionally), plus how to break free of this addiction without any withdraw or discomfort – and put your body into fat-burning mode 24/7, using the keto diet. Not just any keto diet, but a proven keto System that makes weight loss and cutting carbs easy and automatic, and can lead to 20 pounds or more of weight loss in the next month…and 50 lbs or more in the next 3-6 months. This same solution will also help you get off your meds, improve your thyroid and hormonal balance, lower your blood sugar, and boost every other marker of your health.
4. What solutions for the reader’s problem (s) exist already (and why aren’t they working for them)?
Low Fat = Bullshit Because High Carb aka High Sugar aka Fat and Addiction. Also tons of studies show low carb beats low fat, nearly 2x the weight loss on low carb.
Atkins doesn’t work long-term because you start reintroducing carbs but that’s like reintroducing heroin to an addict – just a little at a time. Also as a proof element – people lose a lot on Atkins at the start, but then begin to gain it back. Same reason Atkins isn’t that popular anymore today – it worked at first then stopped working. And when did it stop working – when you start introducing carbs back “in moderation”. Because again – reintroducing a little heroin to a heroin addict.
Cutting Calories doesn’t work because same thing – you’re saying instead of a lot of heroin, I’m just going to do a little heroin. But when something is that addictive, moderation doesn’t last. Not only that but studies show Keto diets burn more fat and improve health much better than low-calorie diets.
Weight watchers + Jenny Craig + Nutrisystem all the same thing – about fewer calories or grams of fat, but not about cutting out addictive carbs and sugar.
Keto Specific:
Confusing: can’t figure out why they aren’t losing weight. They’re confused about carbs, fats, proteins, etc. Confused on counting macros. They don’t know what they can and can’t eat. They think they are doing everything right, however they’re not in ketosis or not losing weight + they have low energy, are tired, irritable, still have cravings, etc. Or they are in ketosis however they aren’t losing weight and don’t understand why. Sometimes skin issues, etc. Tons of information out there, hard to follow. Lots of cooking, lots of labor-intensive recipes, feel like a “one size fits all approach” – sometimes not enough meal plans. Too much detail, too much science, hard to follow, and hard to understand.
5. What’s the new claim/root cause/surprising info? And how does this new solution we’re offering them work? [MECHANISM]
(Think about it as if they had 99% of the solution already, but you’re sharing that missing 1%...the easy but unexpected REAL REASON, or REAL SECRET to their success).
They might already know that sugar is addictive and that it makes them fat. But what they don’t realize is that carbs are made up of sugar. As a result, these carbs are also addictive and also making them fat. I’m not using the word “addictive” lightly here, in fact, some studies show sugar and carbs are 8x more addictive than cocaine. There are studies proving this. See the mechanism document for full details.
Proof Elements:
5 Question From Yale Expert (
Pictures of Sweets + Carbs vs. “Healthy Foods”. Then doing fatty but healthy foods vs. sweets to show you crave those equally.
Mechanism Names:
Craving Conversion Process
Craving Conversion System (CCS)
Craving Conversion Method
Craving Conversion Trick
Craving Transference Therapy
Craving Transference
Craving Transfer System (CTS)
6. Paradoxical Question:
Q: If low-fat diets help with obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and bad cholesterol…
A: Then why have all of these things skyrocketed over the last 50 years since we’ve been eating that way?
Q: Why do we get cravings for sweets, chips, and junk foods…
But we rarely get cravings for string beans, cauliflower, or other healthy foods?
A: sugar and carbs are addictive, vegetables aren’t.
7. Metaphor:
Imagine if a pain-pill addict could replace those pills with a super-vitamin, super-pill and not feel any withdraw, but instead feel more energized, clear-headed, focused, and have a more stable mood.
It’s like using an oil tanker to fill up the gas tank in a Honda Accord. The Honda can take maybe 14 gallons of gas, but a tanker truck holds 9,000 gallons. So if the tanker keeps pumping gas into your gar after the fuel tank is full…it’ll spill back out, or if it’s high pressure it might flood the car and do damage to the engine and all the other important parts of the car. The car won’t drive very well, if it drives at all, and before long the car will break down.
Same thing with carbs and sugar. Your body can handle a small amount of these two things and stores them in muscle tissues, and vital organs, so they can be used as energy. But when you’re eating a lot of carbs and a lot of sugar, your body becomes flooded. At this time you produce a bunch of insulin, and all of the extra carbs/sugar gets stored as fat in your problem areas, as well as your liver, organ tissue, etc – this makes you overweight, causes diabetes, and other long-term health problems.
8. Bold Claim
(What’s the huge promise about the results they’re going to get using this product/solution?):
By using the Keto System we’ll be sharing with you, it’s possible to lose 20 pounds or more of fat in the next 20 days, without feeling any cravings for sugar or junk food, and in fact feeling fuller, healthier, more energized and stronger. Plus you’ll do it without any of the confusion that usually accompanies the keto diet.
9. What is the Product?
(If you can write out fascinations here, it will help you immensely. This is the part where you get to shape exactly what the product we’re selling will include)
The product is a 3 Step Keto System that helps you:
Enter Ketosis Fast
Stay In Ketosis Once You’re There
Thrive In Ketosis For The Long-Run
Step 1: Enter Ketosis
Quickly transitioning to the keto diet without suffering from carb and sugar withdraw (aka the keto flu). It’s possible to get into Ketosis in as little as 24 hours, definitely in as little as 48 or 72 hours. We’re going to show you how to do that in Step 1. But the concern is just like quitting heroin cold-turkey could be terrible, so can quitting carbs and sugars (for the most part). So we’ve had our nutritionist design a specific program for the first week of your Keto Journey that will get you into ketosis while minimizing side effects.
You’ll start with a Fat Fast – where you increase your uptake of Fat significantly – which gets the keto process going.
Then on day 2, you’ll start following a specific meal plan for 7 days that’s based on 20-50 grams of healthy, fiber-based, complex carbs per day. Ultimately our goal is to get you to 20 grams of carbs or less. But we are making a smooth transition. And the truth is, you can get into ketosis eating under 50 grams of carbs. Plus, there is significant evidence showing that by simply cutting your carb intake down to 50 grams or less, you’ll start losing weight very rapidly.
Each of the 7 days, the carbs go down a little bit more, until by day 7, you’re around 25 grams of carbs.
Step 2:
By the end of Step 1, you’re safely entering ketosis without withdrawing or major symptoms of the keto flu. That’s great, now we want to really maximize our keto fat-burning results. So we’ve designed a 30 Day Meal plan with quick, delicious, easy-to-prep keto meals that are all mapped out for you. Take less than 15 minutes, are yummy, and keep you full and satisfied. Including breakfast, lunch, dinner, + two snacks and dessert – so you’re absolutely not going to be having any cravings. And we’ll include shopping lists, easy prep instructions, etc.
NOTE: in both step 1 and 2 there’s no macro counting because everything has been measured out for you.
NOTE2: Also everything is affordable and inexpensive.
Step 3:
So at this point, you’ve been in ketosis for at least a month. Awesome, but you’re in the danger zone. Because life is going to try and get in the way. You need to be able to travel, go on vacation, eat out, etc – without falling out of ketosis. And that’s why we created Staying Keto On The Go. And then can include that keto copy that’s there.
10 easy steps to avoiding the keto flu
5 Simple Ways To Tell If You’re In Ketosis – these are all DIY tests that you can do from anywhere, for free, without having to test your breath, blood or urine!
100 Delicious Bonus Keto Recipes That You Can Make In Under 15 Minutes – simply sub these into the 30 Day Keto Quick Start plan, and you’ve got months of keto-friendly, hassle-free meals…
Intermittent Fasting Demystified –Intermittent fasting (IF) is completely optional in The 1-2-3 Keto System. But because I know so many people enjoy IF, we’ve created a special guide that covers 6 different intermittent fasting options and helps you figure out which one fits with your goals and lifestyle!
The one easy rule that allows you to spot hidden sugars in foods – even if you don’t have access to the label.
How to silence your hunger hormone and eliminate unhealthy, insatiable cravings FOR GOOD!
6 Proven Strategies for living the keto lifestyle even when no one else in your family is…
And so much more!
10. Background Story + Story of Discovery:
Story idea, women at mom’s funeral, there’s this big cake, she’s been on a diet and has lost some weight and feeling good. At the funeral though, seeing people from the past, lots of folks are saying “oh you’ve gotten big” or making comments about her weight. She pretends it doesn’t hurt, but it does hurt so much. How can they be so insensitive? This compounded with death of her mother is a lot – she’s looking for an escape, looking for something to ease the pain. And there’s that cake…
She doesn’t eat at the funeral, but the cake comes back to her house because family and friends are staying/visiting. In the night she sneaks down and eats the whole rest of the cake in between tears. The next day people are asking about the cake and she’s embarrassed to tell them it’s gone – she lies and says she forgot to refrigerate it and threw it out, people don’t believe her. This should make her stop but instead, she can’t, she goes on a sugar and junk food bender. It’s emotional eating, it’s addictive behavior (relapsing), it’s to mask the pain – and she knows it on some level but she quiets that voice and gives in to her urges – maybe until something even more awful happens.
Maybe it’s like a month later, she’s at the doctor, and her doctor is talking about how her charts look shitty…he says honestly she probably has 10 years if she doesn’t change things (high cholesterol, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, fatty liver disease, etc). This is a wake-up call because her mom just died from being unhealthy (maybe a heart attack or heart disease), now she’s facing the same situation. She thinks about her kids and her young grandkids and putting them all through that pain.
She knows something needs to change, but how can it change? She’s tried everything in the past, up-and-down, never long-lasting results. She feels hopeless. And when she follows her cravings it’s so hard to stop.
She’s telling her friend about it who’s an addiction counselor, and her friend tells her she’s addicted to sugar and carbs. She laughs but her friend is serious and tells her to look it up.
She does – realizes how addictive sugar and carbs are + how they make her fat. It all starts to click, it’s really not her fault, just like it’s not your fault you’re fat. So she knows she has to break this addiction but again, how?
Well she’s heard a lot about the keto diet. Her concern is the carb withdrawal. She’s heard people be confused, still have cravings, etc. Some stat about Keto diet having a shitty long-term success rate.
She does try, loses 7 lbs, feels good, but the cravings are bad + she plateaus then starts gaining weight back + she’s tired + the keto flu, and caves in and cheats. Back to feeling frustrated, then hears about nutritionist Danielle. She’s an expert and has developed a Keto System that deals in the real world, and is designed to transitioning you into keto so you lose weight really fast (in your first week), but you don’t go through withdraw, and can kick your cravings, and feel a lot better and all of that. It’s called SYSTEM NAME and here’s how it works (broadly). She tries it, it’s amazing. 6 months go by and still amazing. She shares with other people, same thing. No one is dealing with cravings or withdrawals. They are all losing weight fast but also sticking with the keto diet. And so now she is a believer, and with Daneille’s help wants to share her program with the world.
It's called NAME and here’s how it works.
Get into the close.
11. Some Headline Ideas:
(One sentence – something that would be the first line of the VSL, or in the copy above the video screen. Attention grabbing)
I’ve lost so much weight on the keto diet
I can’t fit into any of my old clothes.
My Husband Is Furious! I Spent A Fortune Buying New
Clothes After Losing 45lbs on the Keto Diet
[Here’s How I Did It + How You Can Do The Same Thing]
She Lost So Much Weight On The Keto Diet She Had
To Donate Her Entire Wardrobe to Goodwill
I Was Addicted to Carbs…
Now I’ve Lost 50 lbs and Look 20 Years Younger
(How I Broke My Addiction With The Keto Diet)
12. Ideas for a potential upsell product?
(Something that could be sold to the customer immediately after purchasing the main product. You’d want this to be related to product, but solve an additional problem, or provide a significant additional benefit).
Keto Leftover Guide
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