A Massage Therapist's Best Friend 💚✨✨ CBD Balms and Skincare Products

2 years ago

A Massage Therapist's Best Friend - CBD BALMS.
I was half expecting my massage therapist to drizzle me with oil, I was surprised when I got slathered with a melty thick balm. I was curious about this choice, but when I dug deeper, it started to make total sense.

My massage therapist didn’t use a CBD-infused balm but told me his clients had been inquisitively asking about CBD use during massages. Not surprisingly it seems as CBD has blown up big time and people everywhere are interested in reaping the benefits for themselves. I told him about the Black & Gold Natural Indulgence CBD balm I’m using at the moment and I am loving it!

Written and reviewed by the lovely Charlie Crawford

Thank you so much to Chalie Crawford on my Instagram account for the write-up that I decided to turn into a little video to make her laugh (once I let her know it's up here and send her a link)..

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