Woke Hollywood Award Shows w/ NO Viewers & the Removal of Straight, White, Nuclear Families from TV!

2 years ago

I don't watch TV, but the other day I had the unfortunate opportunity to watch some and I noticed White families were completely absent from each and ever commercial on TV. If kids were featured in the commercial with a White parent, that child was ALWAYS mixed race, typically with Black. If a White woman was in the commercial, her boyfriend or husband was always Black. The mixed race couples you rarely, if ever, see on TV are White men with Asian or Hispanic women. Because that's not the future these people want to see. They want to see the White genealogy muddied down with the lowest common denominator and dissolved.

This is no happenstance, this is all by design. These advertising agencies and companies are in cahoots and in agreement that White families are now taboo on TV. In the rare case where you do see an all-White family, one of them will inevitably be a homosexual. This has the subliminal effect of brainwashing the viewer. Over time, this will teach White children that they should not partner with their own, because something is wrong with that and probably makes them a wHiTe sUpReMaCiSt. And we all know who owns and is behind these advertising companies, TV shows and Hollywood award shows and movies -> ✡️️

Keep your children away from the TV. If they do watch TV, watch it together. Point out this stuff so they begin to recognize it and tell them why this is being done. If you don't, they will simply absorb it and think it's normal. This is a slow-boil, diet genocide of the White race. Educate your kids to spot this propaganda. Discuss it at length. Go online and research these media companies and point out the people who own them and what their last names are to build pattern recognition. Once you notice...

The future of the White race depends on you. Loving your own people and wanting to see them thrive isn't hate. Removing them from media and culture is.

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