Fallout 76 Griefer News PC Gamer Reports On Toxic Enclave Armed Forces Griefing Role Players

1 year ago

An Enclave-themed group in Fallout 76 roleplayed the villains so hard it turned everyone against them
By Ted Litchfield

A major Fallout 76 roleplay group, the Enclave Armed Forces, has deleted its social media presence and holed up in its digital bunkers after pressing too far in its roleplay and drawing a backlash from the rest of the community. The EAF formerly collaborated with other factions in the Fallout 76 RP scene to produce events and machinima with an immersive, in-universe style of play, but these roleplayers grew more and more detached from reality, policing servers to enact their own vision of in-game justice, surveilling and supervising their own members' online relationships in a pantomime of real life military discipline, and seemingly acting out noxious real world beliefs in the guise of these fictional villains.

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