Rippaverse | Cops Get J*rked For Justice | James Webb Telescope | The MFer Podcast #8

2 years ago

The Rippaverse is upon us! We have seen the glory and it is good. It was a huge day for Eric July and comic fans everywhere with the launching of The Rippaverse to the tune of 1.2 million dollars in sales. Congratulations Young Rippa! Also, the emmy nominations..... *chirp chirp, chirp chirp* Next we have a heroic story of everyday heroes. Cops that risked it all to make this country safer. With no regard for their own safety and well being, they bravely went into massage parlours and got j*rked off, for all of us! Thank-you for your service!! Also that big old telescope. Take a look and I hope you like it!

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00:00 - 02:22 Intro
02:23 - 27:12 Rippaverse
27:13 - 35:21 Emmy Nominations
35:22 - 40:58 J*rked For Justice
40:59 - 48:24 James Webb Telescope
48:25 Why Rippaverse Matters

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