Where is HIDDEN Steak in Deer Shoulder | What is Flat Iron steak on a deer? | Venison Recipe

2 years ago

If you aren't pulling this HIDDEN flat iron steak off of your deer you are missing out. The venison flatiron steak located in the deer shoulder is hidden on unfortunately frequently ground into hamburger. Don't waste the flat iron steak in your deer. We'll cover how to cut a flat iron steak and clean it up to remove sinew and make it tender and tasty. It is fantastic. In the deer processing video we'll look closely at how to pull that cut out of the deer. There are some that also refer to this as blade steak, Denver steak oyster blade steak, top blade steak, patio steak top blade roast or deer flat iron steak. If you want to know where the deer flat iron steak is, this video will show you how to pull that steak while you butcher your harvest.

This cut of beef flat iron is well know for it's marbling and strong flavor, it is not different in a deer.

In this deer flat iron steak recipe we will be using Bearded Butchers Black seasoning and grilling and smoking on a pellet grill with apple wood.

Amazon Store Links:
ASmoke Channel Link for AS700P Grill: https://asmokegrill.com/discount/MATT10A
Boning Knife: https://amzn.to/3uZNNAi
Antler Trivet for Hot Pot Holder: https://amzn.to/3t37U0h
Cutting board: https://amzn.to/3ViGlv2
White Butcher Cutting Board: https://amzn.to/3HInxCa
Bearded Butcher Black Seasoning: https://amzn.to/3YD2mqY
ASmoke Pellets: https://amzn.to/3PAV3fD

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