SOURCE CODE. CRIME OF INJURY TO THE HOMELAND. Um brasileiro que desafia DEUS todos os dias.

2 years ago

SOURCE CODE. CRIME OF INJURY TO THE HOMELAND. A Brazilian who challenges GOD every day. Our STF and TSE minister is accused of belonging to the PCC mafia and nothing happens, investigations are paralyzed, he sends orders and orders and nothing happens. Alexandre de Moraes is one of the most detestable people in the country, involved in scams and excesses and there is no one capable of removing him from power. Alexandre de Moraes rules Brazil and corruption will continue to rule this country, which was so democratic and fervent in the Christian faith, but which China is appropriating with the world's consent. Don't be ashamed or surprised, you out there are contributing to the destruction of Brazil and the world, because you are handing Brazil over to the CHINESE. Good luck to everyone.

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