Oak Hill Church of Christ 6-12-22 Message: "What Should I Do?"

2 years ago

Oak Hill Church of Christ preaching minister, Randy Sterling, delivers a message on the benefits of turning to God for solutions to life's difficult questions.

Most people would agree that life would surely be a lot easier if the answers to difficult questions were revealed instantly and at the very onset. "Should I get this degree?" "Should I take this job?" "Should I marry this person?" "Should I buy this house?" "Is now the right time to have kids?" These sorts of questions do not always have easy and obvious answers no matter how much we would like them to.

The Bible does, however, offer an opportunity for the Christian to invite God to be part of our decision making process. Even though we may not receive prophetic dreams or other magical answers to our questions, there is evidence that God not only appreciates being consulted during our times of difficulty, but that He also does provide responses if we are careful enough to listen.

Consider the life of David, God's annointed King for Israel, whenever he would prayerfully consult God about major events, God would reveal His will and instruct David. For the modern-day Christian, prayerful consultation of God's will and Bible reading offer an avenue to discover God's answers to our difficult questions and the choices we should be making.

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