My Son's First Day As An Apprentice!!!

2 years ago

For us guys, getting to be excited about our kids’ job is just something we love doing. But as a dad, getting to see our son following in our footsteps is really special. And getting to actually be a hands-on part of their electrical career is absolutely priceless!! In the latest episode of Electrician U, Dustin talks about his sons first day as a professional electrician and some of the things he is learning up front.

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It started off by getting Josh set up with the proper tools to do the job. A super important part as we cannot be expected to perform at the levels we do without the required equipment! He is also learning the proper way of doing things. The caterpillars and box extenders are a prime example of this proper training. Most teaching electricians would probably not start off on that level of craftsmanship on a brand-new apprentice. But what is right is right! Learn early on to do the right things in the proper sequences, and practice that way, and you will soon become proficient in the correct way to do our job!
No surprise here that Josh would follow his dad into the electrical workforce. I mean, Dustin is super smart, very good at being an electrician, and a successful master electrician/electrical contractor himself. And if that wasn’t enough, he also has a very successful social media presence on YouTube as well as multiple Podcasts! What kid wouldn’t want to be a part of that success! But, having said that, Josh isn’t one of those kids that is intent on riding on Anyone’s coattails. Instead, he is immersing himself into the business to LEARN what it takes to be a successful electrician. He is going to the jobsites and learning how to install electrical work just like the rest of us did! By having other craftsmen (and women) SHOW us and then working hard to become proficient ourselves.
Let’s face it, college is great. But going on to a formal classroom beyond high school is not for everyone! I think we can all agree to that. And some of us are much more proficient and interested in doing manual labor type of work! I know I was! And that should be ok! If a person is Forced to go on to higher education (or coerced or shamed or…...), especially after they just got done with 12 years’ worth (well a little more if you factor in preschool and kindergarten) they may not take full advantage of the information that is being taught and sometimes ends up being a colossal waste of their time, the instructors time and a considerable amount of finances. But, put that person out in the world doing something they actually enjoy AND getting paid while they do it, and that person will most likely excel in their trade and be much happier!
Now, I am not saying college is bad. Not at all. It just may not be the choice for EVERYONE! If your child has a desire to go into the workforce, I say support them in those wishes. Just as if you were to support a child going to school. BOTH college degree requiring jobs AND jobs that DON’T require a degree are needed to make society function. We need doctors, lawyers, and teachers. No doubt about it! But we also need electricians to keep the lights on, plumbers to keep the water flowing, and carpenters to make the structures to live/work in! So, support our youth in skilled trade choices. Show them that it is ok to work with your hands to make a living and support their families. You may be surprised at how well your child can do in that environment!!
We hope you enjoyed the video of Josh’s first day at work with his dad! Pretty awesome stuff. If your kid has questions about being in the skilled trades talk to them about it and perhaps even show them some of the things we have here at Electrician U! Is there a topic you would like to be shown on an upcoming video? Leave your comments in the comment section below and let us know! Please continue to follow Dustin and Electrician U as we are constantly updating our content to provide our followers with the topics and information they need to be successful!

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