💥Get to the bottom of the revolving door between the CCP and influential power players in US

2 years ago

🔥Natalie Winters, Co-host & Executive Editor of War Room, received the interview on the @NFSCSpeaks show — 01/12/2023:

💥The House Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the US and the CCP has the power to really get to the bottom of the revolving door between the CCP and so many of these influential power players here in the US. The CCP uses lawfare and weaponizes American law firms to go after people like the New Federal State of China, people like Miles Guo, even people like Steve Bannon.
#HouseSelectCommitteeOnCCP #PaulHastings #LucDespins #takedowntheccp #nfsc #whistleblowermovement #saynotoevil #saveamerica #ccp≠chinese


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