2 years ago

Since 1993, Fauci, Gates & DARPA built Counter-Measures for the U.S. DOD & DHS to blame Nature & You as the "Virus"; by stealing your DNA; and then create Bio-Specific Weapons to remotely kill-you with "Cures"! While they, simultaneously, use "Smart Genes" to reverse the effects of CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing. https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/fauci-gates-built-counter-measures-for-dod-dhs-vs-nature-you -- INTENT TO HARM - EVIDENCE OF THE CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT MASS MURDER BY ANTHONY FAUCI, BILL GATES, DARPA, DOD, HHS, PHARMA CARTEL https://bitchute.com/video/ziLLqfOoPDTy/ -- COVID-19 MILITARY OPERATION PART 2: PREP ACT, ALL EUA, NO TRIALS, NO INFORMED CONSENT https://bitchute.com/video/z3u0xtqIgrXf/ -- TRUMP: COVID RESPONSE & EUA VACCINE AN "ALL-OUT WORLDWIDE MILITARY OPERATION" https://bitchute.com/video/RmrXWsr91o3y/

Rise & Fall of the 4th Reich V 1.0 is a new book by the Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0 (260 pages with 3000+ sources) with click-able links in the PDF. This is not a fiction paper-back book with no sources. The Nuremberg 2.0 public international criminal court website is an ongoing public grand jury against all Covid-19 emergency measures and aspects of The Great Reset. Read the 40 Page Introduction on the 3rdReich, 4thReich, Nuremberg 1.0 & Nuremberg 2.0 + The Great Reset: https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/ebook-nuremberg-20-vs-4th-reich-ft-covid-19-intro-timeline

Since this is a crime in progress and there is website updates, daily news, blog posts, new video's and new revelations, This E-Book will be updated every 3 months with the latest information on each chapter and sub-section, the latest news on each subject and analysis by the Chief Justice; to include new blog posts and video's. You will be sent the latest update to the book every 3 months with updates from previous versions in BOLD and corrections in STRIKE-OUT.

The Chief Justice has provided the public with over 10,000+ pages of evidence and proofs, 330+ blog posts, 200+ videos, 30,000+ news stories and 50,000+ sources at www.NurembergTrials.net and www.4thReich.com that is directed to elected representatives, lawyers, law enforcement and the public in order to know the extent of this crime, who is involved in the conspiracy —so that this never happens again. Interweaved throughout is a message of life, death, humanity, love and the ultimate battle between good and evil.

Download the 260 pages, 33 chapter Table Of Contents with 133 sub-sections and 10 important Covid-19 related Documents to protect yourself against Covid Measures. If you would like to pay by an alternate method, like by Credit Card by a PayPal Invoice, Cash App or Other, send in a message to the Chief Justice. https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/ols/products/rise-fall-of-hitlers-4th-reich-e-book-by-the-chief-justice-of-nuremberg-20

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