What Is A High-Value Woman? | Common Ground Conversations, Ep. 16

2 years ago

We ask the important but controversial questions, then try to find common ground. Our mission is to promote (1) critical thinking and (2) productive dialogue by respectfully asking anyone and everyone, "what do you believe and why?"

In this episode, we ask the important but controversial question, "what is a high-value woman?" Put differently, within the sexual marketplace what do males select for in a long-term female partner? And, vice versa, what do females select for in a long-term male partner?

Thanks to everyone who engaged in conversation as well as everyone working behind the scenes to make CGC possible.


→ CGC Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/commongroundconversations
→ Controversial Conversation Cards: https://commongroundconversations.co/products/controversial-conversation-cards
→ Merch: https://commongroundconversations.co/pages/merch
→ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@commongroundconvos
→ Rich's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/richard_lfg_jackson/
→ Rich's Twitter: https://twitter.com/rich_cgc


→ Divorce stats: https://www.whitleylawfirmpc.com/3-reasons-why-women-initiate-divorce-more-often-than-men/
→ Background music: https://youtu.be/IdjTX91oDrM
→ Audio post-production by Josh Bakaimis: https://instagram.com/josh_bak_sound?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


00:00 - Coming up
01:41 - Intro
13:25 - Convo 1
25:29 - Convo 2
38:33 - Convo 3
42:25 - Convo 4
44:05 - Convo 5
54:36 - Convo 6
01:01:15 - Convo 7
01:03:03 - Convo 8
01:04:16 - Interlude (Hot Takes)
01:06:08 - Convo 9
01:06:55 - Convo 10
01:08:10 - Convo 11
01:09:04 - Convo 12
01:10:57 - Convo 13
01:12:51 - Convo 14
01:15:08 - Convo 15
01:19:48 - Convo 16
01:21:08 - Convo 17
01:23:02 - Outro
01:25:29 - Out Takes

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