Gods From Different Countries

1 year ago

Here are the most important gods from different countries.
Turkey - Gök Tengri. Turks used to believe in the Tengrism and Shamanism religions before the Islamic religion. And the name of their god was "Gök Tengri", which means "God of the inner sky". The people of Turkey believe in Gök Tengri because he is one of their main deities, who is worshiped as the creator of the universe and everything in it.

Indonesia – Batara Guru and Acintya. Batara Guru and Acintya are two divine entities worshiped in the Indonesian religion, Kejawen Hinduism. Batara Guru is considered to be the creator of the universe and Acintya is considered to be one of the most powerful divine forces. People in Indonesia believe that these divine entities have the power to give them protection and blessings, as well as advice and guidance in their lives.

Japan – Amaterasu. People in Japan believe in Amaterasu because of its close connection with Japanese mythology. Amaterasu is considered the deity of the sun and light, and is revered as the ancestor of all kings in Japan.

Egypt – Anubis. Anubis is one of the most revered gods in Ancient Egypt. He is considered the protector of graves and the dead and is associated with the Last Judgment. The people of Egypt believe that Anubis will watch over them and give them protection in the afterlife. It is also believed that Anubis will be the one who will judge souls and help them pass to the afterlife.

South Korea – The Korean Pantheon. The Korean Pantheon is a group of deities and divinities in Korean mythology. These include deities such as Hwanin, Hwanung, Dangun, and others. These deities are often associated with elements of nature, such as the sun, moon, mountain and river.

Greece – Zeus. The people of Greece believed in Zeus as the supreme god of the sky and storm, who had the power to make rain and send lightning and thunder. He was considered the protector of people and laws, and people prayed to him for help and protection. He was also considered a symbol of power and authority, and people feared his power.

Sri Lanka – Buddha. Buddha is the name given to Siddhartha Gautama, a spiritual prophet who lived in India in the 6th century BC. He is considered the founder of Buddhism, a religion that focuses on the search for truth and spiritual enlightenment.

Russia – Veles God. People in Russia believe in Veles God because he is one of the oldest gods of the Slavs. He is also considered a god of trade, valor and war.

Thailand – Garuda. Garuda is one of the most important deities in Indian mythology. It is a large eagle with golden wings, which is considered to be the lord of the sky and the winds. It is considered to be a symbol of strength and courage, and in some traditions it is considered to be the master of all living beings.

India – Shiva. Shiva is one of the most revered gods in India and is considered to be the creator, destroyer and regenerator of the universe. He is worshiped as one of the most powerful gods and is considered to be a symbol of strength, wisdom and compassion. Shiva is also considered to be a symbol of rebirth and change, making him one of the most revered gods in India.

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