Joseph Smith Exposes the Horrors of Bennett's and Higbee's Debauchery

2 years ago

The many testimonies of Bennett's wicked acts and how the falsehood that Joseph practiced polygamy in private is exposed, as well as the many instances Joseph preached against it, and how he defended the encroaching evil practice on the church. Joseph sends investigators to Ohio to do extensive background searches to discover more truths about Bennett. Testimony of Bennett's character is given so that we get a thorough evaluation of him by many witnesses. The horrors of Francis Higbee's deeds are discovered and how many were involved and by whom they were inspired. We walk through the specifics of each gruesome trial. Joseph's describes in detail the hellish acts of Bennett which Brigham Young commits ten fold later after the prophet's death. Joseph goes through the steps he takes to do everything he can to stop the spread of spiritual wifery Brigham is secretly involved in at that time. Joseph sends teachers from the quorum to spy out polygamists among the members of the church as another witness of his fight against it. Teacher testifies no polygamy allowed by law up until 1844.

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