Is your social circle changing?

1 year ago

Have you noticed that some of your friends or family members who have been around forever seem to have disappeared and there is no desire on your part to connect?
How does this make you feel?
Bad or sad?
Or, do you accept it as part of our global evolution?
As we release all fear-based thoughts and behaviour generated by the ego programme, we literally become different people. And if other people in our circle don’t want to change and choose to hold onto the old way of living, we no longer resonate at the same frequency and begin to repel each other like polar opposites of two magnets.
So, there is no need to feel bad or try to force other people to grow. Instead honour their experience. Each person is following their path with their own timing. It’s not our place to influence others in any way but just need to be the best we can be. Hold the space, hold our own expansive energy so others can benefit from it.
We are all working on restructuring our own belief system.
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