Daily Chess play - 1308 - Chess.com went down on my 3rd game

2 years ago

First game, Looks like I should have lost a pawn on opening for free but it came out even instead with Queens traded or a bit advantage because I made the King move so no castle for him. Also made a mistake moving my Knight into a pawn but opponent didn't take. Series of mistakes by both parties but I ended up checkmating him without know it sigh... This got me to 1300 for the very first time. Officially leveled up a tiny bit. Next goal 1400.

Second game, I pinned his Knight and he hung his Bishop. Opponent resigned shortly after.

Third game, it was even. I attacked his Queen and the website went down. Later a 502 error and when I look into my match history my third game disappeared.

I remember seeing this issue mentioned on Twitter but this is my first time ever experiencing it. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

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