Mike Maye'd It: The Best Rocket Stove For Camping?! $7 Build!

2 years ago

In this episode, I'm building the best rocket stove for camping, fishing, and survival living- FOR $7.00!

This rocket stove is dual fuel! Use it with brush, twigs, wood shavings, and scraps in the bottom chamber, or load the pellet tube for consistent heat while you're camping!

Follow along as I take you step-by-step, so you can make one on your own!

Don't have time to make one? Let me build you one! Visit our Etsy store, or send me an email to pre-order your very own "Pocket Rocket!" by the Self Mayed Homestead!

Etsy Link:


(Use the "Contact" tab- link coming soon!)

Email for Pre-Orders:



00:00 Introduction
00:29 Part 1: The Cut List!
02:13 Part 2: Fit Up And Overview!
04:01 Part 3: Air Chamber And Fuel Tray!
05:10 Part 4: Assembly!
07:00 Part 5: Dual Fuel Feature!
08:13 Part 6: Assembly Complete!
09:00 The Final Stretch: "The Pocket Rocket" Is Born!

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