Climate Hoax LIARS and their corrupted "Science"

2 years ago

No matter how you feel about "Science" when listening to the shills of Government
who work for Satanic Bankers and perhaps the Devil himself..... You should challenge EVERYTHING these people have ever told you!

"Scientists" are telling us "Climate Change" is real but IT'S NOT!
Those same "Scientists" told you the Genocide JABS were "Safe & Effective"
but they weren't!

WHEN will you stop believing these people?
If they have said it's TRUTH..... YOU need to challenge it!
You have been brainwashed by these people since your BIRTH!

PLEASE watch and share the source of this video!
It can be found on Odysee at:

Flat Earth 4 Hour Documentary

Seek TRUTH every minute of every day brothers and sisters!
START in your Bible!

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