At War with Russia: The West, Weapons, and Sanctions in 2022

2 years ago

Explanation of the data:
Economic and military aid data comes from the Ukraine Support Tracker developed by the Kiel Institute for the World Economy*. The data was accessed 11 January 2023. The data used for this video is for the period of February to November 2022. Some caution has to be taken in interpreting this video: Humanitarian aid is not included. The video shows only military and economic/financial aid. The monthly sums are used to create the animation effects. Only European countries and the United States are included in this video. The values (the moving dots in the animation) resemble the announced sums that countries have pledged to Ukraine. They may differ from what is or will be actually delivered. This is what the Kiel Institute is doing: monitoring promises of aid. Also the time of the announcement may be different from the period when the money or equipment is actually sent. Therefore, take this animation as a way to get some gross insight into the proportions that different countries promise to send. As far as timing is concerned, remember these are announcements and not delivery timeframes. Finally, in this animation, aid from EU institutions have been spread out equally over all EU member states, to illustrate that this is money from European Union countries that goes to Ukraine. Go to the website of the Ukraine Support Tracker to learn more about the data. See this link for the dataset:

Sanctions data comes from the Peterson Institute for International Economics. Only sanctions from European countries and the United States have been included. Sanctions of a purely individual nature have been excluded from this animation. See this link for the dataset:

*Source: Antezza et al. (2022) "The Ukraine Support Tracker” Kiel WP

Processing (to make the animation. It uses the Java language):

Unfolding Maps ( Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

Python to process the data

Powerdirector to make the video

Warzone - Anno Domini Beats from Youtube Studio

Video is inspired by Will Geary's

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