EGGS FOR THE WEALTHY ONLY...... WHAT'S NEXT??? (All According to WEF Plan)

2 years ago

In today's video we will be discussing the insane increase in egg prices along with other phenomenons that seem to be happening year after year. I believe the world economic forum has bee doing their best to shape the future and force us into a lose/lose situation. All of this is my opinion of course but there have been too many coincidences for this to be just by chance.

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Welcome to my channel; where I try to take a deeper look than just the surface level at all things money, media, and political power... Many things I say may seem controversial but we need to have an open mind to try to get to the root of issues. We've been lied to many times; especially in recent history, truth no longer is common. So we do our best here to establish what is right and true.
Feel free to comment your opinions as they are all welcome. All videos are my own opinion and you have to do your own research to come to a definitive conclusion.

#eggs #prices #inflation #wef

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