January 14th is Dog Day At Screaming Chicken

2 years ago

Every year on January 14th is Dog Day here At Screaming Chicken.

We donate a 10 % of sales to a Dog/Animal Rescue in honor of Our girl, Elvis, a Boston Terrier that passed away a few years ago of cancer.

Jan. 14th is the day we found her running around, and she was our best friend for 11 years.

This year we are donating 10 % of our weekend sales to Kenos Animal Sanctuary.

Please go check them out. They are doing GREAT things for these animals.

They take in Dogs that are deemed unadoptable for whatever reason and give them the help they need. Whether that's medical, behavioral , or training. They have saved dogs that were said to be too aggressive and the only option was to put them down. Kenos gives them a permanent residence to live out their lives.

The owner has an awesome back story about how he got into rescue as well. From housing the dogs in an apartment building in New York, to where they live now.

Their website is linked below


You can also follow along with their journey on their Facebook page

So check out our website and get your orders in so we can give them a good donation come Monday !!


#dogrescue #screamingchicken #kenosanimalsanctuary #fbodyparts

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