dungeon keeper part 3 learning how to purge hostile keepers

2 years ago

In this video, we're continuing the playthrough of Dungeon Keeper With our Quest to spread discontent and chaos. In this video, we'll be playing as the evil Underlord, looking to conquer new lands and spread chaos.

we'll be playing through the Lushmeadow-on-Down level, We'll also be taking on the Snuggledell level, In both levels, we are fighting rival dungeon keepers that attract their own minions to assault us with, Will we be sent to oblivion or are we banishing them

to purge these keepers we'll have to find and assault their dungeon hearts while working on a tight budget and finding new minions and rooms on the way

I'm using keeper fx 0.5.0 for the AI improvements and resolution
keeperfx can be downloaded from here

you can often find the game quite cheap on either the EA store or on good old games https://www.gog.com/en/game/dungeon_keeper its currently on sale for £1.29
the emulator is dos box

discord https://discord.gg/NCp8FKfdjx

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