D.I.Y. Life 4AM Episode #002 ‘Never Miss A Rep’

2 years ago

D.I.Y. Life 4AM Episode #002 ‘Never Miss A Rep’

LAST Week: Punch LIST

The DIY life is a Punch LIST, that becomes a FINISHED project. In life, this is the same.
A Resolution, can become a goal, and then we need to maintain that GOAL so it becomes a HABIT.

Hope Episode # 2 brought you motivation to get back to it and KEEP going forward.

Transcript OUTLINE
DATE: Friday the 13th
THEME: REMAINING humble and teachable whether you’re a seasoned veteran or this is your first day at 4:AM
KISS- Keep it simple stupid
Theme of 2023 is to go back to the basics
How the TERM “NEVER MISS A REP” came about and how it carried over into the next story and into 01/13/2023 (TODAY)
I was 22 years old, first 3 years at SDSU, then in community colleges, and than trying to make a comeback for baseball, a friend convinced me to walk=on at Palomar Community college spring & summer football workouts to get ready for FALL.
Little did I know. My friend and I spent 4 hours a day, in the gym morning and evening for a year getting ready and I was absolutely crushed in the training. Coach Kraft at the time, was leading the Nation in CC football with Palomar, and was about to get promoted to SDSU head coach. I knew nothing at the time about any of it. One practice, I was dogging it. My legs were shot. I was huffing and puffing and flat out missing every other gasser. He got in my face, was screaming at me in front of everyone, GD! This, GD this, GD SHANKLES, never miss a REP. GET back on that line. PUKE PUKE, okay coach is all I could mutter…
BUT, this phrase, never got out of my head. NEVER MISS a REP
Case Example: Kilimanjaro SUMMIT #3, compared to Kilimanjaro SUMMIT #640
Leadership: One of us was on #3, and one of us was on #640, WHO do you think succeeded and who do you think failed, 1 year later!
When I say this, trust me, most will not get it, and what I just said will literally cause nothing to stop the conversation, a different problem all together, because very few have been there. I just said, One of us was on #3, and one of us was on #640, yet who do you think failed 1 year later.
In this case example, the person that had #3, went on to succeed and be prosperous in a lot of different ways, 1 year later and now 5 years later compared to the person that was on #640. There are SIGNIFICANT reasons why, but the basics are in the KISS, in the daily reps, and in HOW we go about maintain accountability within ourselves. It is no secret on my DIY Channel, my websites, my FB page, I declare Jesus is Lord. The question in this segment is HE (JESUS), Lord of Your Life? Is it Christ In You, Thru You? Gal 2:20 ROMANS 6:6
NEVER missing a REP.
In my old life, 15 YEARS ago, May, 2007, ALTHOUGH I was very dedicated, VERY driven, striving for my 3rd to 4th failed attempt at entrepreneurship, I already had 12 years with 1 company, General/ AGM status running 3-4 million dollar restaurants (The top ones), a degree in Business MGMT, working on a minor in ecommerce, successfully had 7 years in corporate sales in San Francisco, I was FAILING.
SLAVE to Sin. Slave to Substance. SLAVE to Money. I missed many REPS.
LAST week we talked about the PUNCH LIST.
The 1 reso, that TURNS into 1 GOAL
NEVER missing a REP, will help us TURN that RESO into that GOAL.
We talked about the Gym and BENCH pressing. How to research. How to FIND out yourself. BEING a DIYer mindset.
SO, if we failed. Lets go to PLAN b….
Same RESO, reso#1
Now add, make your bed each day for 1 week. If your BED is easy, try washing the dishes each day.
Each morning, make your bed and see if RESO#1 gets better…..

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