TASTE Testing Surf and Turf from CANS!! Food Challenge Causes PUKING.

2 years ago

Yep, we mostly liked some of the food. This was an awesome way to spend a rainy day inside. Buying the food items was especially fun. Watching the everyone tasted, smelled, and gagged on different foods makes for a great family memory.

The foods that we try we bought at our local Walmart. All of the food items were bought and consumed with respect to those that enjoy the food. It was the first time for many of the food items. All of the food items were canned with one exception the Olives.

They include the following:
1. Blue Cheese stuffed green Olives
2. Vienna Sausages in Chicken Broth
3. SPAM 25% less sodium
4. Yellow Fin Tuna in Olive Oil
5. Sardines in Oil
6. Baby Smoked Oysters
7. Greek Lemon and Egg Soup.

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