1 year ago

1. AGENDA 2031: THE GREAT SWITCH-OFF | CHANGE THE GAME | 27 July 2022 | | A short message and request for help to all citizens who are alert to the global predator's and world leader's GREAT RESET plans to place humanity and the world's children in a digital prison. This message discusses the change agents of destroyer force energy's Agenda 2030 - The Great Reset, and Agenda 2031- The Great Switch-Off: the plan to switch off humanity from their heart connection to Love to prevent The Great Awakening, which is timed for 2031. Destroyer force change agents are trying to block this opportunity. This will place the world's children and humanity in a digital hell and leave the children at the mercy of those who enjoy ritualistically abusing those too young to defend themselves. Is that what we want for the world's children? If we wish to help protect and defend the children, the simplest, most powerful way is to call on LOVE from our hearts and to ask for Truth to pierce through the dense cloud of deception so that those who are engineering a compliant, unquestioning human inside a digital hell, the Transhuman Age, are revealed to the world for all to see. Please help if you can, and share both messages.

2. THE GAME IS ABOUT TO CHANGE, BUT NOT FOR THE BETTER | LISTEN TO YOUR HEARTS | 29 JULY 2022 | | For concerned citizens and critical thinkers. What is the true reason for the global predator's AGENDA 2030 - The GREAT RESET? Might it be to prevent THE GREAT AWAKENING, planned for 2031? Are the global predators planning Agenda 2031, THE GREAT SWITCH-OFF to prevent The Great Awakening? Your heart has all the answers. Now, more than ever, we must all become practised at asking our heart for Truth and for inner guidance on our best actions that best help all. If humanity, all life here, and the world's children are to be protected from being placed in a digital prison, then we must take inner peaceful action and change the game on the change agents, who are now in position in every global system to bring about chaos, fake pandemics, suffering, financial collapse, wars, fake 'invasions' to scare people, and food shortages. This engineered fear mongering by the elite is already out of control and needs to be stopped. Please help if you can and be very alert to events happening across the globe in the next few days and weeks ahead. Stand as one as a united force of goodness, and be in position to ask heart and LOVE for help, to protect the children. Love comes when called and so it is important to keep asking for help. LOVE will do the rest, but we must remember to keep asking for help and Truth to break through the firewall of darkness created by those who are seeking control, power, and glory. Ask Love to reveal to humanity who the culprits are. Many people are unaware that this is a war on mind, body and soul. Don't get trapped in this digital hell that is being created by those who are weaker than us...they just know how to use energy against us, such as, satanic frequencies, 5G microwaves, wi-fi, radio-waves, etc...all of these disconnect us from heart on a continual basis. The easiest and simplest way to hear truth is to ask your True Self (heart) and Love for help. They do the rest and will clear a pathway to clear these energies from around you. Anyone who tells you that only they hold truthful information and want you to believe that you cannot get it from within you is a global predator...they need you to be in fear but you are not the weaker side, you have just forgotten that LOVE comes when your heart asks for help. Please share this if your heart guides you it is truthful information that others need to be aware of. Thank you for helping the world's children and the many who are suffering.


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