Legit Paranormal 10/23/2022

2 years ago

Live 7:05 PM
THIS WEEK on LEGIT PARANORMAL we are sailing away on the Block Island ferry, taking a trip back to carefree times, leaving today Block Island awaits us, just leave King Mike L 's Giants behind (steel drums music) as we welcome the founder of Block Island Ghost Tours and Club Soda owner, Rick Lysik
Rick has been living on Block Island for over 20 years, Rick has always embraced the eerie, the gruesome, and the mysterious history of Block Island. As the ghost tour pioneer, there is no one that knows more about the stories we tell. With his love of ghost hunting, he brings along EVP recorders, thermometers, and spirit boxes to collect evidence of paranormal activity. Although there is no guarantee that contact will be made, Rick’s tours make it hard for even the most skeptical to deny the existence of ghosts on Block Island. Rick leads the way every for the Spirits with Spirits Tours on Monday at 6pm and Friday at 7pm. He also leads the Ghost Ride Island Tours on Fridays and the Old Harbor Walking Tours on Saturdays.

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