Legit Paranormal 10/30/22

2 years ago

LIVE at 7:05PM

THIS WEEK on LEGIT PARANORMAL we are running down a dream, goin wherever it leads, workin on a mystery with this dream weaver who I believe will take us through Sunday Niiiight as we welcome Dream teacher, hypnotherapist and Reiki Master (amongst many other things) David Barr !!
Live Sunday at 705pm
David Barr is a Certified Dream Teacher through the Robert Moss School of Active Dreaming and a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams. He also has a BA in Psychology from Rhode Island College. His passion is engaging people about dreams, which he’s been studying and working with since 2006. He is also certified in hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming and Reiki – Usui and Karuna lineages and studied with several shaman/shamanic practitioners. David uses all of his knowledge and blends all of these methods and techniques together to show you what’s possible and lead you through powerful, life changing experiences.
Tune in for David and stay for King Mike L's wit, our special guest cohost (Joey paranormal on honeymoon yay Joe Britland ) Dale Belluscio 's insight and my very delicious beer of the week!

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