KAM Doc Talk - Vaccines

2 years ago

To vaccinate or not vaccinate is widely debated nowadays. Understanding vaccines and the risks that come from not immunizing your child is just as important as understanding the risks associated with the vaccination. In this episode of Knoxville Medicine’s Doc Talk, Dr. Elise Denneny explores many different types of important immunizations and when your child should receive them. Pediatrician Stephanie Shults, MD answers questions related with vaccinations such as Hep B, H. Influenza, DTaP, MMR, and many more! Dr. Shults is with Shults Pediatrics which is part of the Summit Medical Group located at 9142 S. Northshore Drive, Knoxville, TN, 37922. Knoxville Medicine’s Doc Talk is brought to you by the attorneys of London Amburn. For more information on Dr. Shults or Summit Medical Group, please visit http://www.shultspediatrics.com.

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