2 years ago

Check out this free self-help video from our online self-healing training course. It is a very helpful exercise to help relieve neck and shoulder pain, tension or tightness. IMPORTANT: Do not try this if you are driving - only use this self healing technique when your car is stationary or parked.

Do your shoulders and neck ever feel tight, stiff and heavy?
Stiff neck and shoulders can occur as a result of overuse, repetitive strain, stress, injury or tension. Another factor in neck or shoulder pain or stiffness can be as a result of muscle strain.

Tight or tense neck or shoulders can also be caused by sitting for extended periods of time either on a chair, a sofa or sitting or driving in a car. Sleeping in an incorrect position or poor posture can also be a factor or it may be due to improper alignment of your spine and body.

This exercise is to help reduce muscular tension in the back of the neck and in the shoulders, as you sit in the car, whilst the car is stopped.

1. Take a deep breath down into your abdomen commonly called your belly or your tummy. As you do this, feel your abdomen expanding.
2. Breathe in deeply and hold your breath.
3. Press your head gently back against the headrest of your car seat. Do this to a point of tension, not pain. Hold this position for a count of 5 seconds.
4. Still holding your breath, push your shoulders downwards, allowing your hands to slide downwards by your side. Hold this position for a count of 5 seconds.
5. Now allow your breath to exhale, allowing the head, neck and shoulders to relax as you do this.
Repeat this exercise as often as required.
This same exercise can be applied whilst sitting on an office chair or any chair with a high back.

Exercise of any kind is very beneficial for the health and well-being of your over-all body. There may be occasions when you are exercising, working, walking, running or involved in some sporting activity, when you might receive an injury of some kind. Injuries to bones, joints, muscles, tendons or ligaments can easily occur during any of these activities.

That is why it’s important to familiarise yourself with as much self-help and self-care information and exercises as possible plus learn useful and effective self healing techniques.

If an injury occurs, or you are feeling pain, tension or stiffness in muscles or any area of your body, there is something you can do straight away to help ease any aches, pains, sprains, inflammation, muscle strain, stiffness or discomfort. You can apply some techniques from our online self-healing course, to help deal with the injuries, pain, inflammation or discomfort before it becomes any worse.

Find out more about our self healing course plus our world-class Bio Energy Healing Training Course to become a qualified, certified practitioner. Visit

You could complete your certification training course online in less than 3 months and set up your own practitioner ‘work from home’ business.

Our unique online healing courses can be completed in the comfort of your own home, in your own time, at your own pace and are insurable.

Bio Energy Therapy is a stand-alone modality and can also be integrated and merged with other therapies and modalities including, Counselling, Psychotherapy, Reflexology, Massage, Sound Healing, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Homeopathy and many more.

Work from home and create a full or part-time business, or enhance your existing practice. We'll show you how. Complete our Bio Energy Training Diploma Course or the unique Sound Healing Diploma Course and learn everything you need for a rewarding career in healthcare, helping others to maintain better health and well-being.

Join the thousands who have completed our courses worldwide and are now running their own professional practices.
Written by John Donohoe and Patricia Hesnan and presented by John Donohoe. John is Head Tutor and Co-Founder of Healing Courses Online, Bio Energy Therapist, Master Sound Healer, Teacher, Speaker and Course Facilitator.
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