V395 Rev XLIII: 7 S Judgments VII - Interlude III, Woman & Dragon, Pt A, Rev.12:1-6 (20230113.html)

2 years ago

V395 Book of Revelation XLIII: The Seven Shofar Judgments VII - Interlude III, The Woman and the Dragon, Part A, Revelation 12:1-6 (20230113.html)
Website article: www.nccg.org/lev20230113.html
Duration: 1 hour 25 minutes

"Shabbat Shalom kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah and welcome back to Part 43 our study of the Book of Revelation. For the next seven or so weeks (should there be a need to subdivide the next section further) we shall be taking a look at the third and final Interlude of this book that is sandwiched between the 7th of the 7 Shofars (Trumpets) and the start of the third and final cycle of Judgments known as the 7 Vial or Bowl Judgments. This will cover chapters 12, 13 and 14 and contains some of the most important information the last generation of the end-time Remnant needs. As I am probably only going to get one shot at this you will please understand why we need a serious investment of time in these three chapters. Whole theologies stand or fall on interpreting these chapters correctly. Get these wrong and you're going to get a whole stack of other doctrines wrong as well..."!

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