The Snail Power Animal

2 years ago
Hello friends and welcome to the world of power animals. Today we’ll look at the snail. Land, sea, and freshwater snails have more diverse habitats than any other animal. They’re a mobile house that’s a coiled rolled shell that they can retract into completely. While moving, they leave behind a trail of slime that allows them to go anywhere without injury. The land snail lives on plant parts while sea snails having a special liking for algae. Land snails are camouflaged while sea snails are decorated with beautiful designs. The snail has no ears but uses their good sense of smell to find food. Freshwater snails are asexual and have both egg and sperm cells so they can reproduce by themselves. Most other snails have male and female reproductive organs and can switch as the situation requires. Either way, in just 4 -5 days after mating, many baby eggs will emerge.

Snails are hard on the outside but soft and tender on the inside. They’re basically solitary and self-protective. The patient snail moves through life at a slow, steady pace. They’re easy-going and in no hurry. Snails just know that faster is not always better. The calm and focused snail realizes that just taking small steps is the best way to get the job done. They’re symbols of fertility, patience, and determination. If you want to slow down and still get to where you’re going, connect with the spirit of the snail. Visit our website for a free power animal reading and to learn what else the animals can teach us. Thank you for watching and have a great day.

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