Top 5 Secrets to Improve Your Running

2 years ago

Top 5 Secrets to Improve Your Running

Full video on hill training -
Jakob Ingebrigtsen training mobility -

Consider this as the basics that you should be looking at first before moving onto the specifics and then the 1%. Below is the Health aspect, which we aren’t going to cover in this video but predominantly covers nutrition, sleep and day to day health, which we’ll happily answer any questions about in the comments.

1 - Footwear to improve recovery and avoid injury

2 - Mobility + Strength

3 - Tempo / Threshold – Tempo and threshold work are sometimes discussed as the same, to differentiate the two, tempo doesn’t have a specific effort but is slower than threshold and threshold is a specific pace of which the body starts to accumulate lactic at a faster rate. Usually is the pace you can run at for about an hour but varies depending on aerobic fitness. Tempo = Aerobic + endurance. Threshold is the same but also aims to improve that threshold meaning you should be able to go faster before accumulating lactate which should mean you fatigue less at faster paces. Also, because threshold is faster but still not too intense, you get more of a mechanical benefit whilst keeping stress on the body relatively low. Good type of threshold sessions are 1K or 2K reps off 90 seconds recovery. Do as many as what is a longer workout for you. So if you average 8K in volume in sessions, do around 8-10K worth of threshold volume. My favourite tempo session is either just a straight longer tempo or split into 15 minutes, 10 minutes, and 5 minutes. Again, the tempo length aim for slightly longer than your usual sessions. And for a general rule of thumb I’d say tempo should be at least 5% slower than threshold. If your threshold pace is 4 minutes per kilometre then tempo should start around 4:12 or slower

4 - Hills – I did do a full video on the benefits of hill training but in short, they improve running technique and strength, as well as reducing impact.

5 - 80/20 rule to remain injury free

How to get better at running
How to get faster at running

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