HI.com welcome and bonus CRO/NeXo & more to come

2 years ago

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In this video I am talking about a new platform of almost 2 years old.
A real competitor to CDC, NEXo and BNB...
Let me take along in my journey and I will keep you guys updated about my findings.

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Koop met gemak Ripple XRP, Cardano, Bitcoin en meer op:
Binance exchange – https://www.binance.com/?ref=17557720
CoinBase – https://www.coinbase.com/join/5a464a9...
BitCoinMeester – https://www.bitcoinmeester.nl/?r=1000...
AnyCoinDirect – https://anycoindirect.eu/nl/bitcoin-k...
LiteBit – https://www.litebit.eu/?referrer=382746
BitVavo – https://bitvavo.com/?a=B17ABABC3E


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You can get the finest cryptocurrency news at CryptoLoversz YouTube channel Search terms: crypto, cryptocurrency, crypto news, bitcoin, bitcoin news, xrp, ripple, ripple xrp, ethereum, ethereum news, cardano, ada, solana, altcoins, defi, news, interviews, podcast, metaverse, nft, nfts, CRO, Crypto.com, FLR. ================================================= Disclaimer: CryptoLoversz does not pretend to be an expert in finance or investing. You should conduct your own study about each coin and come to your own investment judgments. Only invest what you are willing to lose and do so at your own risk. The videos on this channel are only intended for educational reasons; they DO NOT offer investment or financial advice.

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